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messed up but still somehow won.

(2 edits)

a trojan really? 

wait srsly?

ah hell na twin ah hell na twin

Yo, what app are you using to detect it?

The art in this is sick, love the monsters!


Hello, I'm from the Portmaster Community! We port PC games to SBC's and Retro Handhelds I want to ask, is it okay to distribute your game as a Ready to Run port in our lineup of Freeware games?

If you press 'C' right after you start the game you instantly


super cool! the summoning room was laggy but maybe that's a problem on my end. otherwise great game

still cant eat batteries

Well WHY NOT???



I somehow kept the blood bucket and I fought the final boss early

me too awsome game lumpy

Got to kill the devil before he even got out of the seal. Hurrah!🎉🎉Replayed this game way too many times. Love it!

I have replayed this game was too many times.

(1 edit) (+2)

I love this game! Only thing its missing is an endless mode to endlessly play , perfect for practice!


This game is insane. The summoning mechanic is great, and I love how you can eat demon remains.

This should not be free. If this was like $4, it would be a steal.


make it so that you can eat the clown egg cuz technically eggs are edible thus clown egg should be edible and make a honk sound when you eat it :D other that that this is a GG

and make so that it gives speed cuz speed is so hard to get :(


Cant eat the batteries


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Underrated MASTERPIECE. Sequel 2069 maybe??

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this game is theoretically farmable

when you beat a demon you get something right? you can offer the thing for infinite fights, so with a TAS system you could technically farm


I believe time passes whenever you finish a fight so you would not be able to do it forever.

you could still just farm until you have to refight the ancient one

8 hours pass by whenever a Boss is defeated so after 21 Sacrifights,you would have to fight the Anceint one

(1 edit) (+1)

I found a glitchhhh. When you first get the blood bucket and spam run and sacrifice at the same time, sometimes it offers the bucket, but gives you to bucket back too, letting you fight ancient one as your first encounter. I'm assuming that's not supposed to happen.

It doesn't do anything if you beat it and you have to play the entire game but it's still funny fighting and beating him immediately after he rocks your shit. 


yall i killed satan


iiii i did it i beat the final boss i win 


and i had all 10 perks

I can only get 5, Fast shoot, Fire, Poison, Giant bullets and Targeting

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Pretty good! I did unfortunately fail the first time by running out of sacrifices, but I enjoyed it anyway!

me 2


sounds familliar, but cant quite put my finger on it...


I like concept and graphics, however it would be more more playable with a joystick!


if you beat the game you need to refresh the game fun fact.

I like the humor, the CEO demon is hilarious



Is it actually possible to get all 10 perks?
Cause like I got the 5 perks on the tow row and had like
life 4
seal 7
defense 4
strength 5
atk speed 6
move speed 1

But I sitll feel like I havent even reached half the way to max perks and skills.

sadly time was over and I had to fight him :-/

Any way to get everything? :-)
or maybe some new game plus? :O

This is a pretty good game, I like the character sprites, the bullet effects, this is a really solid game. 7/5

loved it!

(1 edit) (+2)

Would have been awesome to see an expanded version of this on a "cursed cart" for some retro console. :) Mega Drive, for instance.

Really cool game.

i cant pick up the knife

its not to pick up its to eat stuff in your menu. 

Is that a Undertale reference!?


i already had infinite power as long as i keep eating peoples brains


It was cool but at one point I got no sacrifices bc I died in my first summoning


this is lumpytouch's account???




Frankie and Lumpy collaborate on projects from time to time. 


The graphics are amazing


Oh I get it! You summon the hot demon with the horn! It's horny! Funny joke.

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H   u    m   o   r

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