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(1 edit) (+4)

Game is very interesting, I can't wait to play more of it!

(1 edit)

I hope the music old and revised get archived for a soundtrack release. The revision of the safe room still sounds good but I really like the version 0.29

Same, i miss the original song :(

i think i got to the end of this update, started completing puzzles to empty rooms. companion designs were cool. :)


In the latest update, when I went to play a game and accidentally choose nothing. I ended up in the "play a game" animation with no text. Just me turning on the tv and going to the couch. I then stood up, turned the tv off. And now I can't play any of the games to get the benefits from them


Okay, first off wow, second: I really wish I had taken the game a little more serious in the beginning and hadn't named my character "Butt" XD but I super super enjoyed this game and had fun playing it to wind down after work. It's the perfect level of spooky to where it doesn't paralyze you but you have a constant sense of unease and personally that's the most I ever enjoy being spooked. Keep spookin my friend, you will totally see me again when this updates.

When William knocks on your door and ask for medical supplies, if you gave him the first aid kit he will reject it and leave but if you gave him a tonic he will take it as if it was the first aid kit and paid for it

just found your game recently, having lots of fun

love the game but got softlocked after sleeping on the couch, 10/10 tho very fun

I wish there was an official upload of the OST...

Bro i just love it. I would like to have cutscenes in the game, death animations, u know

Can't beat spore mother, once defeated, she simply loops over and over.

Also, Dan never showed up for me.

I love this game. I wanted everyone in Japan to know about it, so I translated it into Japanese.

I've played through 5+ hours of the 0.29 version and so far I really love this game. The art is absolutely gorgeous and I'm exited to see where the story unfolds. I do, however, have to share a few things that I had problems with, though most of these are bugs that should get fixed in the full release or mechanics I just didn't understand which is mostly on me.

1. When it comes to the Baby Teeth fight, I have no idea how to trigger it? It's totally possible (and probable) that I missed something, but I skipped over the initial encounter with it once killing the mother. I thought playing army with the one child (forgot his name) would cause it to respawn but it never did. I have seen other playthroughs where you can trigger the fight after dodging the initial encounter, so I'm not sure what's supposed to happen.

2. As soon as I got the boredom status it never left my character, despite me often having day-long trips exploring the building. Again, I don't know if this was a glitch or if I was playing even more carefully than I thought.

3. My plant was dying even though I was pretty diligent about watering it daily.

4. Had Hellen show up at the door even though she was already in my party.

5. Had my metal bat crack on me when I used a tonic on a party member outside of battle.

6. When selecting to leave when taling to Jasper it initiates a combat sequence (though thankfully you can run from it).

Despite this, like I said, I overall thought this was a good game. Hell, I often forgot I was playing a demo at points. I can only imagine that the full release will be absolutely amazing and I can hardly wait.

Also please let me kiss Lyle whenever I'm begging you

Well look at that. Most of the bugs I listed have been fixed!

Now if only I could make out with Lyle sloppy style...


This game's honestly great. I love the lore that this game has and hope it continues to get lots of love and new content! 

Typewrither enemy is bugged in version 0.29b, when you kill it the Draft is still in the battle and it never dies no matter what you do, you can still break it but it regenerates
Loving the game and me and my wife are eager to see more updates of it! c:

This art style reminds me of LumpyTouch.


When I talk to Aurelius and ask him if he has looked outside his text goes out of the box


This game is amazing

I like how every monster has a unique creative design.
(1 edit)

looks very interesting

From what I see it reminds me a little of Fear and Hunger

Excited to play it, I really like the survival horror genre

I’ll share my thoughts when I’m finished!

This game is very amazing!

Unfortunaly, i can't pass the Spore Mother, even if i killed her many time. Is there à bug? i hope it will fixed soon! Anyway, i can't wait for the final version of the game !

Spore mother is just very unfinished content! Anything past ground floor is a bit jank.


relly great⭐⭐, i played the whole game 3 times and i get to say to always felt good, when i played it for the first time i was so happey to fund good game with great story like fear and hunger, but i was so wronge this game take from a lots of places and tries it best to be herselfe, i don't want to get this game spoil on yo, so only thing i have to say trouly great.

advice for you always be nice to evryone, it doesn't matter what they look like😊💓

We need a friendly Clint.

I played a lil bit of this on my channel. This has a interesting premise. The atmosphere is pretty cool as well. Interesting in seeing what the full game has in stored.

im more clean in this game than real life ; ) 


This is a great game. I made a Molotov cocktail in the first 10 minutes. Absolutely peak. However, once I met the person who asks for their bathrobe, and I went to go get it, I went into a completely different room and couldn't return. Found a manuscript tho.

Liking it but seems like weapons break way too easily. Maybe add something like Duct Tape you can buy/find to repair weapons? However the pixel art, animations and sound/music are phenomenal.

(1 edit) (+1)

where is list of crafting recipes?

and where i can see hygiene points?

(2 edits)

I've only just begun to sink my teeth into this game (~1.5 to 2 hrs) but holy moly. What an experience it has already been. I've never been drawn into a horror game quite like this. Incredible pixel art, insane sound design to make your insides cringe in terror, and a classic RPG UI that anyone familiar with the genre can pick up with ease. The more I play with my first blind run the more I realize what I miss during my progress, such as choice and other ways to approach situations concerning your lovely neighbors. If this ever gets put onto Steam it will be an instant buy, and I'm not sure how to but once I get my paycheck I plan to put money towards this regardless. Fantastic game, PLEASE give it a shot if you love body horror, Lovecraftian elements, and are looking for a refreshing change of pace to your game library. This one has incredible potential. 


im stuck on ver0.26 and i cant get ver0.27 or ver0.28 but other people are geting ver0.28


Hope to see this masterpiece on Steam too!


This was such a great surprise. The artwork is fantastic, the writing is such a great mix between horrifying and hilarious and there’s so many details. Lyle is amazing. No notes. 

I wondered if there’s maybe too many variables you added for the character stats and you could maybe make the development process a little easier by removing one or two things to keep it a bit more straightforward because it’s a lot when you start the game and it’s probably even more if you really want to work it out further. But overall this is a fantastic demo/proof of concept and I really enjoyed my little adventure. 


bug report:1 when i eat leftovers, sometimes my weapon breaks.

bug report:2 when you eat the tv dinner, all other foods become infinite.

small bug 1:the rat king uses a place holder for his corpse. 

small nitpick 1:i think you should make all of the apartments available on the 3rd floor. 

small nitpick 2: you should fully furnish the rooms in the fleshy apartment

sugestion 1:smaller enemies should be able to respawn after each day and sometimes maybe a stronger variant of the fodder enemies. i wiped out all of the monsters more than once now.

sugestion 2: maybe you could make it so the enemies get stronger over time. as a reward for beating these stronger enemies you could give the player more exp along whit items.

balance change: the pitchfork's 'penetrate' skill needs a nerf. i can theoretically deal over 500 damage whit it.



I dont want respawning rats


Remove the ability to save scum, It would be better if it was more challenging.

yeah, saving will be more restricted in the full release, I'm only keeping it available like this while it's in development and prone to bugs.

Awesome, looking forward to more! 

As an aside, is this game in reference to any other works? And is there any plans to enable use range weapons outside of combat? 



Ooo, I think that would be a simple yet effective way to implement difficulty levels.

Easy: As now, save any time and the game autosaves frequently.

Normal: Can save inside your apartment. Game autosaves for significant events.

Hard: Can save only when prompted by the game (at start of day and any other points you think call for it). No/sparse autosaves.

The “easy” difficulty would be accessible for people who want to experience the exploration and story but are struggling with the survival aspects, as well as letting people who’ve played the game before hunt for all the interactions. “Hard” would maximise the strategy (and could be labelled “developer recommended” in the difficulty selection). “Normal” would have a natural curve where at the start you can easily save after each encounter but as you venture further from the apartment you’re incentivised to save less frequently.

You could include other tweaks like weapons not breaking on “easy”, but I feel like changing the rules for saving would do enough on its own.

Hey i have a question

could u send me a link for the music that plays in the characters home?

Its incredibly good and i really would like the whole soundtrack tbh.

U should attempt an ea release and just sell the soundtrack on steam.

I would buy it

I also would try the game i suppose ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

I think of something that would be great for this game, what about adding the ability to target specific enemy body parts? Also, you should add human enemy's


Head+Limb targeting would be perfect for this game & make it 100xs better... When I noticed a few similarities to "Fear & Hunger" I was actually surprised it wasn't possible. 

I can easily see this game going viral if it stays on the unique path its on, so I really hope this is how the battle system turns out in the final release.

i have a few ideas, how about the ability to leave the apartment whit a blindfold on.

how about monsters that used to be pets.

, how about fully human enemy's 

how about the ability to target specific enemy body parts


Heya! I'm a huge fan of this game and i wanted to ask when you were planning to release the official OST of this game. My favorite so far is the music that plays when you're in your apartment

its possible to play this on linux with the native Electron client (from github)

just execute ./electron index.html

im sure whatever customization you have made could be ported to that.

thanks for the spooks!

Heh Heh Heh ...

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