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This game looks so cool. I hope I see it on steam someday as well. Kinda gives me that multiplayer survival you usually see but way more awesome of a concept. Love the art style too!

You can kill the first enemy without him even showing the chest eye, making the dialog when you grab the knife odd


Is there a physical copy of the game available ?

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I am so sorry D: I downloaded the new version and I'm still getting the same issue with my saves not loading right and I'm just stuck on this screen. Am I like doomed to restart ;=;

Darn, I'm sorry, I thought that would fix it! Let me try something again for the next version, maybe that will do it.


Thank you sooo much I've been so eager to play more of this game <3 <3 <3

Do you intend on making a soundcloud and putting the OST up there? It'd be absolutely amazing if you did! The intro song is an absolute banger!

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The music is by cboyardee! There arent many tracks yet if you don't count all the atmospheric hums, but maybe later.

Sounds good! Yeah, the song in the apartment room is really good and was looking around for it trying to find it anywhere and couldn't.

Really excited to see further updates to the game!

This game has great potential. If this turns up on Steam at some point, I'll definitely buy it.


Thank you! That will probably happen at some point!

Let me give you money for this I beg you!!!


Thank you! Im planning to put it on Steam once I have something more complete on my hands


Amazing game so far. The little interactions here and there adds so much soul.


Thank you! Yes, the vibe im going for is very bleak but with many little moments of relief if you take chances and trust people despite it.

(2 edits) (+1)

fun game

a spoiler below

if we can not take care like give them milk and cheese and fully adopt rat baby i will be so fucking sad!


I'm hoping Rat Baby becomes a party member!

would be great, and have to say you make fun videos!


Horror rpg where you should never look outside | Look Outside

I had such a great time with this game!! I can’t want to play more and I know I definitely missed some things but I’ll find them eventually!! I loved the horror rpg elements mixed with just making food and playing video games in your apartment!! Can’t wait for more!!


Look outside is a masterpiece of it's time. I like the overall story and gameplay

This is actually my Gf and i's favorite game lol. We look forward to the full release and we play every time a new update drops. We will be dropping some money on the full release because this is actually too good and more people should know about this!!!


Thank you, Im glad you like it! Do check the update changelog before getting a new version and starting over though, sometimes its just some bugfixes without much new content at all, don't want to burn out replaying again and again where there is barely anything new!

(1 edit)

For some reason when I try to launch my save after downloading the newest update I keep getting this.. my saves are there, but it just won't load..please whenever you can if you can help that would be much appreciated!! If it helps I'm trying to load into my apartment. 

Sorry about that, its an incompatibility with some recent changes. I'll fix that on the next build, should be out tomorrow!

played it for an hour it was so fun but then tho i saved the game literally every 2 min it didnt save anything for some reason. still i loved it

Weird, it doesnt save at all? Can you check if it created anything in the games' save folder?


Really loving this so far!!

Tried out your game!

There is a problem with the black disc, at the telescope when you make the negative the screen goes dark and just stays that way. I can walk around and figure out where doors are but it stays dark no matter what.

(1 edit)

Hey i had this same issue, the only fix i found for that is to not kill the enemy in that room, do the disc, and once the screen is frozen black wait for the enemy to reach and attack you, after the battle the screen will be normal, its not the best but it works for until it gets a patch

Thank you, ill look into it now!

img/characters/Vehicle.png I get a failed to load error with the new version on my v23 save file, no biggie but just a heads up! I wasnt very far into that playthrough

Started a new save and in the first room you fight in(where the baseball bat is) on the rightmost door I got a fail to load audio/se/Open8.ogg, looks like there may be alot of these, but they are all game breaking so idk

Hello! Yeah, I think it should be fixed now - I overwrote the build just an hour and a half after putting it up.


You are amazing! This is my favorite game on itch right now and im glad it has such a great developer!

with the updates is it possible to port your saves from older versions?

it should be possible, but it will sometimes break, when bigger changes happen. Just copy the file over and it should load, at least!

(1 edit)

Love this game very much still, but definitely encountered a couple issues this time when playing.
At 12:25 and 24:35 in the video I got locked in a loop with the white mask figure where I ended up having to exit the game both times. Other than that I don't believe I had any other issues though!

this game as a lot of pontencial...and bugs too, heres the bugs ive encountered so far: 1- the encounter with the whit masked being as a extremely high chance of softlocking your game by making the screen dark, in 9 out of 10 encounters, only one of them didnt turn my screen dark, the only solution ive ecountered was to either not interact with it or to do said interaction with another enemy near by as a enemy fight somehow cancels the dark screen. 2- the crafthing bug, when crafthing some items, the game gives me what it calls a (0), this item is unusable and has neither a name or description, attempting to use said item gives no results. 3- door encounters are somewhat glichy, when ecountering the creep event, i did recruit dan, but after 5 in game days, i got the same event again. 4- A few doors softlock you from leaving and if you havent saved before, youd lose progess, the doors ive noticed with this effect were the top right door in the room where jasper is, and at ramdom, the door where the tumor head is in appartment 21 second floor. 5- theres a bug with one of the scripted fights,the fight with joels baby sister can be locked out as in my save files she just walked away whenever i tried to get near her. 

This are all the bugs ive found, i also have ideas on how to improve the game or make some encounters like the door merchants better, i hope my feedback helps you mysterious creator, always remenber to look into your code well...maybe outside too.

I really liked this game, I did encounter a bug where after you gave the hooded figure some food the screen became permanently dark unless you exited to menu which would mean that would nullify what you did, I liked what I have experienced in this game so far though.

Do you remember which room this happened in? Its a room-specific issue, it depends which room you met him in! I fixed a bunch of em but missed a few.

It was two rooms before you entered the basement I think, I remember there was a guy in a bathroom that had lots of eyes over his body (from what I recall) and in the room before that it was a big room, I met the hooded figure north of the big room 


thanks, got it! should be fixed next build

This game is actually so cool omggg - I am unable to play it but I've seen a lot of cool stuff from playthroughs on yt

istg I'm gonna become this games #1 fangirl

When I get a computer of my own this is the FIRST game I'm getting

Keep up the awesome work

Thank you! I hope the game is fun to watch being played! I feel like some parts of the game make it an entertaining watch - the exploration and interacting with monsters and weird npcs - but the management parts when you stay home probably doesn't make the best videos. Maybe I should think about a alt game mode that tones down the management, specifically to reduce the repetitive parts for people streaming/LPing.

(1 edit)

The game has some fixes to do, but this is already super impressive given that it was worked on in a month and actively in development. Looking forward to a full version someday!

A really fun game so far! I have found two bugs however. One occurred randomly while I was crafting, it said there was a null error (I think) and that it couldn't read the name of something I was crafting by combining two items with an unknown outcome, and I had to restart.

The other time was during my second encounter with the strange black creature with the white mask-like face. It "seemed excited" and then "got a good look at me", but then when the dialogue sequence ended, it just started looping over and over and I had to restart again.


Thank you for playing! Sorry about the bugs, I think these should be fixed by the next version.


Хорош. Очень приятная картинка, описание тоже очень классное. Отличная работа с:

Hello ! I really love the game, but somethimes i get items which are not named and unable to use, and when i am interacting with this masked shadow i can't quite talking to it like its on the loop. Also i would be greatfull for some tips how to get to the 1st floor :>> I'm sorry for my poor english, have a nice day ! 

Hi there! I’ve already played this game for 2 hours and I already love it. This can be one of my favorite indie horror games. The art is beyond good, the story is super interesting, and the mechanics are super fun.

I’ve already encountered several bugs through the gameplay that I would like to report. Is there some way I can contact you?

Great job on this!

how do you make this game fullscreen ? alt+enter doesnt work. neither does f11

try F4!

when i fuse cloth and purocare a type eror apear


Ok so minor spoilers







Is the purpose of the rat baby just to feed it to that one wall that gives you the earth disk so you don't have to give it your arms or what?

I would also like to report a bug. When I talk to the cloaked guy with the mask for the second encounter, it leads to a loop where once the dialogue ends, the encounter starts again, leading to a softlock. Idk what could be causing it. Maybe some shenanigans with rpg maker itself?

the softlock man is the scariest presence in the game.


Thanks for playing!Tthe rat baby and that whole section is a work in progress - for now feeding the wall is its only purpose, the other stuff is unfinished. As for the cloaked guy, its a known issue, its fixed in the upcoming update.

Hello! Discovered your game recently and so far I really enjoyed it so far!

Just posting this comment because I met a bug which I think is related to the spooky meeting. After meeting it the screen stays black.

I wish you to have a happy day!

Hello! Thanks so much for playing! Which spooky meeting do you mean? Theres a lot of spooky meetings in the game, the game is basically a delivery mechanism for spooky meetings!

Oh sorry for tha vague post, I just didn't want to spoil for others! The one with the white mask which is not speaking

I'd question and want to also ask, have you contemplated how the 'Full Games' saves system should work? How likely is it you'd decide between a save system where:

1) The game saves every time you sleep/wake up Only

2) To keep the saves the way they are.

If you were to do 1 - it'd increase difficulty 'and' horror/tension but not be F&H-levels of ball-crushing because 'you know where your bed is and its always a safe zone' like a Resident Evil typewriter room.

What are you thinking about it?

Yeah! In the latest version it prompts a save when you go to bed, actually! But I feel that as long as the game isn't stable and relatively bug free, its best to let people save anywhere and have autosave for the time being, if only to help them keep their sanity a little bit as the game falls apart in their hands. But yeah, once this is closer to being all finished, I will probably shift to saving only upon sleeping, that would be the most appropriate to the games overall pacing I think.

I agree - even though I know a part of me suffers by knowing 'I can lose so much progress by trying to satiate my morbid curiosity-'.

It's a 'necessary evil' in a way for games of this type imo.

Neat game!!!!! I love the style and I love the use of body horror

Thank you!

Where can we follow you for game updates? I'm very interested in this game but I'm waiting for the project to be finished before I play :)

Sure! I do the same thing! I think you can follow this project to see when I update it somehow on itch? - you can also follow me on twitter (@FrancisCoulombe) or bluesky ( , or join my discord (link in the game description).


If you're into horror rpg turn-based games you will definitely get a kick out of this! The mouse controls can be a bit wonky, but it's not going to ruin the experience. Can't wait to see the progress on this game and a possible ending!

damn. made it to the last day, but nothing happened. it just started going into the negatives after that.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, theres no endings yet, working on that!

ah, thanks for clarifying. also was this game actually inspired by your previous project tenement hell?

Yeah! Tenement hell was a jam game that didnt really come together, so this was an attempt at making a very different kind of game that captures a similar vibe.

what does the useless status effect mean?

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